Individual Therapy

Life is challenging! Life challenges can seem especially daunting when our 'default' coping strategies start to undermine our talents, efforts and relationships too.

As human beings, we tend to rely on familiar coping strategies that have served us in the past. However, without some adjustment, these familiar strategies tend to let us down, sometimes again and again, over time. Default thought and behavior patterns, which tend to be hidden from our immediate perception, can even unconsciously degrade our perception, confidence, creativity and ability to experience joy.

I believe that a collaborative and reparative experience in individual therapy can be very useful in transforming one's stubborn default thought and behavior patterns into conscious, authentic and empowering new perspectives. Effective individual psychotherapy works in part by offering a special private sounding board-- beyond familiar family and social circles-- that can help one cultivate their own unique voice, insight, self-expression and relationships.

At the start of our sessions, we would collaborate to determine a course of work that feels relevant and important to you. In addition to choosing among various talk therapy approaches (Mindfulness-based CBT, Psychodynamic Psychotherapy, Solution-Focused Psychotherapy, Trauma and Attachment Informed Psychotherapy), we may decide to include a body-oriented technique (EMDR, hypnosis, tapping...) to decrease anxiety while augmenting one's sense of clarity and ability to focus. 

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